Athlete Feature: Concord’s Angel Feliz

When did you start competing in Track and Field?

In 8th grade my older brother convinced me to start running track to relieve some stress from school and home and I ended up loving the sport.

What is your favorite track and field event?

That would have to be long jump, by far. I originally hated it because I didn’t know how to do it. I would always injure myself in some way while jumping. Then sophomore year when I started to figure it out, I made my first 20 foot jump and practiced hard to get even better at it.

If you could do any event which would it be and why?

Pole Vault because I can wrap my head around how it works but I’ve always wanted to try it out myself after seeing a teammate who was really good at it.

Describe your favorite workout:Angel-1

Pyramids – start with sprinting 50 meters and do 2-3, after each one jog back then move up to the 100 meter mark and run a few of those then up to 150 and finally 1 200 meter and after that go back down to 150 but on the way down only sprint one of each.

It would go: 50 (2-3), 100 (2-3), 150 (2-3), 200 (1), 150 (1),100 (1), 50 (1).

Describe your favorite race/ competition memory:

Definitely the 4×100 relay at Meet Of Champs when our team came out champions and broke our school record.

How does your coach motivate you?

All of my coaches always tell me to strive for more and push even harder. Even when I think I’ve hit my limit, they push me even further and they taught me that there is always someone better.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

I would go to Jamaica so I could have a chance to meet Usain Bolt and maybe even challenge him to a race. He has been one of my greatest role models ever since I started track and I would love to meet him one day.

What is your to-go pre-meet meal?

If it’s available I eat a little sandwich bag of Captain Crunch on the bus ride to a meet as motivation if that makes any sense.

Do you have a favorite pre-race song?

No Quitter Go Getter by Lil Wayne, the only song I listen to by Lil Wayne and it is dedicated to Michael Phelps another one of my role models and the song is itself is just very uplifting.

Angel-3What motives you most to do well?

Everyone, all the people around me. My coaches, my team, my rivals, all of them help me push forward to get better whether it’s running in a race against me to push me to go faster or at practice to hone my skills.

If you go to college, do you plan to compete in track and field? And Where?

Of course! Right now my plan is to compete for either UNH or Keene State because i want to keep representing New Hampshire.

What is your favorite thing about Track and Field?

The adrenaline rush that I get when facing good opponents . I love being beaten because it give me something to strive for on top of just wanting to improve in general.

What is your favorite track facility?

Saco, Maine (Thornton Academy) by far minus their long jump area, the entire runway feels responsive almost like it’s pushing you up every time you take a step.

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