What a great morning for the New Hampshire Cross Country and running community! As part of their grand
re-opening of their new store in Manchester, Runner’s Alley facilitated an invaluable experience to run and learn from one of our nation’s best distance runners, Ben True, was had by all yesterday morning. Ben was gracious enough not only to run with Granite Staters, but to also take them through a post-run stretch as well as offer a question and answer session, which is below! How often do we get a chance to run and learn from a professional?! Special thanks goes to Runner’s Alley and Saucony for organizing the event, which also included Saucony shoe demos. Obviously thanks so much to Ben True for taking the time to drive down from West Leb and share what it was like to grow up in New England as a runner and provide a glimpse into his world as a professional distance athlete. Horse anyone? Enjoy!