Mascenic Final Blog!

I’d like to take the opportunity to officially thank Sam Bilodeau for taking up the mantle for the Mascenic blog this season and continuing in the footsteps of Brianna Boulerice and Jake Movsessian, who have done the blog since it began three season’s ago.  Doing so is a commitment, something that can be a lot to ask of a senior as they have lots of things going on this time of the year.

But if you asked all of my seniors that have done it so far, I think all of them would say it was worth while and a little cathartic, allowing them a specific opportunity to reflect on their years in the sport and what the many seasons mean to them.  Each of them have thanked me for the opportunity to share with the running community what they’ve invested so much of their time and energy into.  And boy, do I enjoy it, as I get to “see the season” through their eyes, how they envision the journey.

So I encourage more teams to take up the “cross country blog” for next season.  In previous years we’ve had multiple teams publishing blogs, but in 2017 Mascenic was the only team to do so.  We all have lots going on, I certainly do covering everything Division 3, but in the end it’s worth it.  The content is what makes this site great, and the greater the variety of content and input from different teams makes it more interesting.

Commit to a blog, submitting results from every meet you attend, writing an article, taping a workout, or adding something completely new, but commit to adding something to the site in 2018.  It can be a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be.  But the more we have, the better the site is.

Thank you to everyone who contributed in 2017.  New Hampshire Cross Country is free and it’s awesome! Let’s keep it that way.

  • Mike Smith, Mascenic Cross Country

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