A Thank You Letter to NH Indoor Track and Field Community

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As a coach of cross country and track and field in this state, I just want to thank you for helping me get through this gloomy winter.  The end of December was particularly rough, with temperatures dipping into the sub zero numbers, maintaining an even keel has been rough.  Providing me with weekend after weekend of highlights in indoor track has made the winter just a little more tolerable.  The synchronization of Amy Sanborn’s and Larry Martin’s efficiency in meet delivery is a comfort when Mother Nature makes planning difficult.  The Burgess family experience at UNH, something most athlete’s don’t recognize because everything runs smoothly because of them is something I relish among the other inefficiencies of the world.  The professionalism of the track officials, performing their duties to perfections so that no one notices their  presence.  I owe you all a measure of gratitude for helping me get through this bleak period we call winter.

Div 1 Indoor 2018 championship-297I’d also like to thank the people behind the scenes at lancertiming.com and newhampsiretrackandfield.com for providing us insight on the season.  While I write for the site, there are many other people working behind the scenes to bring us the best insights and information that is track and field during the frigid winter months.  Tim, Greg and the crew from NHT&F and Rick and the crew from Lancer do an incredible job providing visibility and professionalism to our great state.

And finally to the athletes of the 2018 indoor season.  I have greatly enjoyed watching you all compete over this season and only look forward to watching you perform in outdoor.  In the winter season I volunteer as a coach and as a commentator for NHT&F and in the spring as a coach and track official.  This weekend I saw many acts of sportsmanship, with fierce competitors on the track being strong compatriots after the races.  I’ve always believe one of the best parts about track and field has been the camaraderie forged between racing.  The performances over the last weekend were dazzling and make me proud to be a part of New Hampshire Track and Field.

Congratulations on a great season, and best of luck to those representing NH in the New Englands.

Mike Smith, NHT&F

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3 Responses

  1. Well said, Mike! As a coach and track fanatic, the sportsmanship I observed this past season was incredible…a testament to the great athletes and coaches we have here in New Hampshire

  2. I echo Mike’s sentiment. As a coach who sits indoor out (though I constantly nag and prod my athletes to get out the door) I appreciate the updates and hard work nh track and field puts out daily. It’s been fun following all this during the bleakest months. Good work everyone and many thanks!

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