Big Chill Challenge Update!!!

Congrats to all who are staying consistent and participating in the Inaugural Big Chill Challenge!  At the end of 9 days of competition, with over 300 entrants, the Big Chill Challenge has yielded many results.  Over the first few days, it was finally the showdown we were looking for in cross country as LaSalle of Rhode Island took the early lead over Coe-Brown Distance of New Hampshire.  The 2 groups traded the lead for the first couple days only to be overtaken by our current team competition leader, Team Rocket Powered and Friends out of Massachusetts.  While the members are adults, we are sure they are great supporters of all the free websites which comprise State Running!  Currently Team Rocket along with CBNA Distance and Soundrunner Racing out of Connecticut have certainly separated from the pack as they are the only teams eclipsing 500 miles thus far.

Rounding out the current top 5 are Black Bear Coaches of NH and the aforementioned LaSalle boys of Rhode Island.  Teams to watch include Ravenous Runner 2 (RI), Nashua High School South (NH), Conway Crew (MA), and CBNA Lady Bears (NH) as they have all eclipsed 300 miles thus far. Regarding NH, top 5 teams are CBNA Distance, Black Bear Coaches, Nashua High School South, CBNA Lady Bears, and Falcons Outdoor Running!

Collectively, the Granite State (2355.53 miles) finds themselves in 2nd as a state approximately 500 miles behind Massachusetts (2,855.33 miles).  We certainly need to keep chasing the Bay State as Rhode Island is hot on our heels only some 220 miles behind us!!!  Let’s go NH!  Log those miles!  We all count in this one!!!

Individually, the current leaderboard sees Selena Scott (RI) with an 18 mile lead over Patrick Bugbee and Neil Martin both of Massachusetts.  Tops in NH is Nadia Zhecheva of Nashua HS South with 78.85 miles.  She holds an 8 mile lead over Luke Tkaczyk of CBNA Distance.

As the results are live 24/7, they are constantly changing!!!!  All Leaderboards can be accessed via NHTF or the Big Chill Challenge website.


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