The Mascenic Way Part 2 (updated w/addendum post states)

By Mike Smith

As I sit down to write this, there are three days prior to the Divisional championships.  With a little nervous energy flowing through my veins, I’ll be looking for the results of returning to the Mascenic way in the coming days.  Initially I thought maybe I should hold off on writing this article until we see what happens Saturday.  But the more I thought of it, the more I realized there is no reason to wait.  Saturday’s results have no bearing on whether we’ve made the shift.

Prior to the season, I wrote a previous article explaining why we needed to return to the Mascenic way, to get back to our roots.  And it wasn’t as much in an effort to “take back” a title but more to get back to a way of life that provides success.  The type of success that allows for championship to go your way.

And we’ve done that.  This season we returned to doing the things that are necessary, not cutting corners and making sure we attended to “the little things”.  Not short changing the cool down.  Not just going through the motions of the dynamic flexibility routine.  Not rounding down on the time on feet.  Getting the work in.

But not just that.  We’ve been working hard to create a stronger team synergy.  It’s easy to see why people look at this sport as a sport of collective individual efforts as it often is.  But over the last eleven weeks I’ve asked the kids to think of things differently.  That there is greater strength in the collective effort of everyone on the team.  That individual performance can be enhanced when you invest in your teammates’ efforts as well.  That encouraging your teammate that might be struggling has a positive effect on them and you as well.  And that your confidence in their ability shows them their effort is worth it.

I got to see this in action a number of times this year.  At the Manchester Invite, one of the girls was struggling with 800 meters to go.  Her teammate who usually finishes behind her rolled up on her left side, tapped her on the shoulder, whispered “come on” and the two of them set off to hunt down as many spots as they could.  This same scenario happened at our next race as well, but with different players but the same effect.

Knowing your teammates are with you in the struggle, and what they’re willing to do is a powerful motivator.  Knowing they won’t back down no matter what holds strength for everyone, not just the athletes showing the grit at that moment.  There’s quite a bit of if-they-can-do-it-so-can-I in there, along with “if they’re not going to give, neither am I.”  Not only is it more meaningful, both the effect is greater than me shouting from the sidelines.

I’m sure in the coming days there will be periods of trepidation on the part of my athletes.  Some will handle it better than others.  But I’m sure that they will collectively deal with the hurdles that other teams and Mother Nature throws at them.  And for that I am hopeful.  If the cards fall right we could see both teams at Meet of Champions, and possibly, maybe with another State Championship in hand.

Either way I know my athletes are prepared for what lies ahead.  And in the end, it will be good.


So, I’m happy to say that the return to the Mascenic Way paid off.  While my girls team was disheartened to miss out on the opportunity to race at Meet of Champions, they certainly showed the grit and determination we were trying to return to.  We had two out-of-the-park races, two races we’d like to get back, and three others that were right where they should have been. One person each and they’d have been fourth instead of seventh.

The guys on the other hand, even having similar races, (two out-of-the-park runs, two we’d like back and three solid runs) were able to win convincingly.  The margin of victory was twenty one points and the point score of 94 was the highest we’ve ever scored and won.

But the lack of hardware on the girls part and the bounty of hardware on the boys part is not what it’s all about.

Not at all.  It’s about getting out there and racing to the best of your ability.  It’s about hanging on to both a good race and a bad race.  It’s about helping your teammates when they need it even if you need it.  It’s about looking around the room, taking stock, and grinding it out with your brothers and sisters knowing everyone is committed to getting it done.

And that’s exactly what I saw.  Matter of fact I saw it the most in those races that weren’t going to plan.  I saw on the faces of my athletes that were struggling the most, the determination and focus of not letting the race get away from them, giving everything they had to create the most opportunity.

In the end this sport is about spirit, and giving it everything you have.  I am happy to say that yesterday I saw my athletes wearing the Mascenic red, white and blue, go from 14 individuals out there leaving it all on the course, to two teams that would both come out winners even though the paper results might not exactly reflect that.

Now that’s a good day coaching.

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8:00am D1 schools arrive (Buses drop off and then park at Plymouth Elementary school)

9:00 Field Events start

10:30 Running Events start

1:15ish D1 meet ends

1:15-2:15 D1 buses pick up teams in the circle 

3:15pm D2 schools arrive (Do not arrive early. Buses drop off and then park at Plymouth Elementary school)

4:15 Field Events start

5:45 Running Events start

8:30ish D2 meet ends

8:30 D2 buses pick up teams in the circle

A gap has been included between sessions in case of a delay of some kind during the D1 meet. Incoming / Outgoing Buses can NOT be allowed to overlap like last year.