MOCs to be Held at Alvirne HS & Other Random Early Season Thoughts!

MOC-G-130It is official!

The 2022 NH Meet of Champions is going to be held at Alvirne High School on the present Battle of the Border course.  Repairs to the Mines Falls bridge crossing the Nashua River is the reason for the 1 year relocation.  Those familiar with the Battle of the Border course understand it is a great solution to this unanticipated problem.  The course begins similar to Mines Falls with a loop around fields, although not athletic, prior to entering woods section.  Differing from Mines Falls, is the runners returning to the fields over the middle of the race prior to re-entering the woods for the final section of the course. It is is still VERY fast if given the right conditions (of course).  The course checks all the boxes regarding spectator friendly true cross country course.

Special thanks to the coaches and athletic department of Alvirne High School for offering to host as well as NHIAA committee member Arthur Demers for making this possible.  Heads up Alvirne, we have the feeling your Battle of the Border Invite on October 8th is now going to entertain a few more teams wanting to preview the course!!!  We certainly recommend it!

Other Early Season, Random Thoughts (feel free to add to these by commenting below!):DSK_9617

  • Bedford Girls are for real with 2 wins at Cofrin Classic and Bobcat Invitational.  More importantly, their pack running is super impressive.
  • Susanna Zahn (Bow) is for real – BIG win at Bobcat following an impressive time at Coe-Brown’s tough course.
  • Birhanu Harriman (Lebanon) and Patrick Gandini(Gilford) are fit as evidenced by their Bobcat duel in the sun!
  • Bobcat Invite Champs, Exeter Boys are new on the scene and have plenty of time to develop a 5th.
  • More things change, more things stay the same – Hopkinton Girls/Mascenic Boys are strong and early D3 favorites
  • Watch out for Mascenic Girls in D3!
  • NH#1 CBNA Boys tempo’d a home meet last week at CBNA…Aidan Cox seems healthy crossing the line in 16:13.  This is the same time as Gandini’s win at Black Bear last year.  Just as important for team hopes, check out Tyler Tkaczyk’s, Jamie Lano’s, Gavin Demas’s and Nikhil Chavda’s times tempo-ing!!!

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