PEA’s Byron Grevious 12th at NXN!!!


Congratulations to Phillips Exeter’s Byron Grevious as he earned All-American honors by placing 12th at this past weekend’s return of2022 Black Bear B V-107 Nike Cross Nationals in Portland, Oregon! Grevious handled a blistering first mile in the low 4:30s which was absolutely rolling the dice over the soft golf course to hang on (like most of the other athletes who went out hard) to place a an incredible 12th in 15:00 to gain All-American status!

Gilford’s Patrick Gandini had a strong showing placing 39th in 15:40.  He felt as if he ran a good first mile (4:40), was challenged in the second mile, but came back strong in the final mile, true to his history!  CBNA’s Aidan Cox certainly gave it a shot as he also went out in 4:34 in 10th place.  He would then fade over the remainder of the race to place 92nd in 16:07.

Obvious congratulations to all three athletes as they represented New Hampshire in the most positive of lights.

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