TFRRS NH: Tops In Class!

Thanks so Rick Berryman of Lancer Timing, NH has a new feature we intend to highlight all indoor and outdoor season long!  TFRRS has been kind enough to create a TFRRS NH-only database which collects ALL performances of Granite State athletes from ALL Winter Track League meets.  This is free and accessible to all!  We have a link on our homepage for you to explore on your own, but we will also be doing posts as we progress through the season.  One of our favorite filters to apply is the Tops in Class per Division.  As you see below, we simply are highlighting the top 5 performances per class (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) per Division.  We will be updating these posts as the season progresses.  Expect once a week or so!

Freshmen D1

Freshmen D2

Sophomores D1

Sophomores D2





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