COURAGE: “Courage says follow your heart; Fear says stay where you are. Courage says speak up; Fear says be silent. Courage says take a chance; Fear says play it safe. Courage says strive for excellence; Fear says settle for average. Courage says yes; Fear says no. Life says bloom or decay. “ – Jeff Johnson 
WHEN: 1980
WHO: Mary Decker (AW) leads Julie Brown (LA Naturite), Michelle Bush (UCLA) and Cathy Twomey (Oregon TC). Francie Larrieu (Pacific Coast Club) is barely visible between Brown and Decker. Behind Bush is a wedge of red, which is Cindy Bremser (Wisconsin United).
WHERE: Hayward Field
WHAT: 1500 Olympic Trials
1. Mary Decker (AW) 4:04.91
2. Julie Brown (LA Naturite) 4:07.13
3. Leann Warren (Or) 4:15.16
4. Fran Larrieu (PCC) 4:15.32
5. Linda Goen (UCLA) 4:16.86
6. Brenda Webb (Knoxville TC) 4:17.52
7. Cindy Bremser (Wisc United) 4:17.89
8. Maggie Keyes (SLO) 4:18.38
9. Cathie Twomey (Or TC) 4:18.7,
10. Alice Trumbly (Cal) 4:18.9,
11. Mary Rawe (Penn St) 4:19.5,
12. Michele Bush (UCLA) 4:26.8,
13. Chris Mullen (Gtn) 4:32.2
Editor’s Note: Due to the graciousness of Jeff Johnson, John Goegel and others, we are continuing our series begun last spring and through the cross country season on our sister site For those of you that don’t know, Jeff Johnson was employee #1 for Nike. He actually is the one responsible for naming what is now a world corporation.
Fortunately for us, he was also a world class photographer of our great sports in the 1960s and 1970s during which he captured thousands of sports photographs. We are honored and thankful for their choice to use our sites as their medium for sharing their passion. We hope our presentations can do them justice! Many of his quotes are also being housed on the NHTFCA website.
Photos by Jeff Johnson
Quotes by Jeff Johnson from his work in progress: “In Other Words: Things I Think I Said When I Was Trying To Think Of Something To Say.”
If you are interested in a poster version of a photo from this series, they are available for a small charge.