Volume 1
NHXCTF sat down with perennial powerhouse Exeter High School to get some insight on one of their signature workouts. Having coached such successful athletes in the past (Jake Winslow and Jackie Gaughan), this coaching staff knows their stuff! Exeter girls were one of the top teams in 2023 advancing all the way to the New England Championships and are currently the third ranked team in the state. The boys advanced runners to both the Meet of Champions and New Englands last year. Unranked at the moment, they are looking to finish high enough in the division to advance the full squad this year. Check out the workout that might put them in the right spot to make it happen!

NHXCTF: Who are you?
“Jeff Moretti, Joe Scascitelli, and Lisa Sloan”
NHXCTF: What program do you represent?
“Exeter High School”
NHXCTF: What workout would you like to feature from your program?
“2 x 2000m at 10k pace with 3 minute recovery + 5 x 200 at 3k pace with a 1 minute recovery”
NHXCTF: How long has this been a go to workout?
“Around 10 years”
NHXCTF: What part of the season do you usually implement this workout?
“Early season in late August”
NHXCTF: Where did you get the workout and how did it come about?
“Drew Hunter and his professional running Group Tinman, led by Coach Tom Schwartz at the time, popularized Critical Velocity when Tinman arrived on the scene. While CV had been around for some time, the training principles gained a lot of traction 8 to 10 years ago. Similar to how double thresholds are becoming the thing in 2024. Training an athlete at their critical velocity can help runners improve their lactate threshold while simultaneously stimulating their VO2 MAX.”