Wow!  What a void left by no NH Winter Track and Field League season!  We greatly miss everything involved with the WTL and look forward to next December when we it will be back!

In the spirit of looking at what we can do as opposed to what we can’t, our friends at Runners Alley and Marathon Sports have come up with an opportunity for you to stay motivated to get out and run/exercise in the month of February!  You don’t have to be a penguin to put your motivation level to the ultimate test with our Big Chill Challenge.


We understand a healthy number of schools have formed indoor track clubs to practice, performance trial, etc.!  Inspired by January’s Winter Warrior Challenge, this is a great opportunity for New Hampshire high school coaches and athletes to add something extra during their indoor track and field team training in February! All you have to do is register, get outside to walk/run every day, and log your miles!!!  We do the rest!

Okay, we lied. It does not have to be every day, but it certainly helps. And here’s why. The Big Chill Challenge is actually a competition too, for both INDIVIDUALS and TEAMS. Register your miles on our online platform each day and the individuals and teams that compile the most during the month are eligible for prizes.

If you don’t want to do it alone, create a TEAM (10 or less) of a current or former teammates, alumni, family, friends, even highly motivated and extremely dedicated rivals.  Challenge your coaching staffs to form a team of their own!! No bikes, no vehicles, no scooters. Just your feet, which we hope are inserted into some sort of comfortable footwear.

The challenge also includes individuals/teams from Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island tracked by our sister sites!   See how you stack up against other teams from your state and beyond and have fun doing it. Living in the Granite State, much like a New England Championships, this challenge gives you the opportunity to compete with your rivals in the Bay, Ocean, or Nutmeg states?

Runners Alley and Marathon Sports are generously setting aside each individual registration ($9 fee) to help NHTF keep your FREE access to all content, including the livestreams we will have during the spring season (fingers crossed!).  So not only are you participating in a healthy activity and competition, but you are helping support!

You can also share all your favorite photos along your journey on social media by tagging us with #BigChill2021 as well as @baystaterun // @nhtrackandfield // @oceanstaterun // @mysportsresults

Register at the Big Chill Challenge registration page!


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