2024 Outdoor Invitational Schedule


Pic and Quote #15: FREEDOM

Freedom. “If you cannot be as free as you want, be as free as you can.  Accept challenges, push against barriers, overcome difficulties, solve problems,


Still Supporting!!!

As you all know Runner’s Alley has more than supported the scholastic running scene and this website for the past several years.  Even in this challenging


Inspiration Series #1: Art Demers

Hello NHTF Community, As we face this global crisis which threatens lives and ways of lives, we at the website feel posts of inspiration are

Pics and Quotes

Outdoor Pic and Quote #14: Challenge

Challenge. “Challenge is opportunity. The most meaningful victories in life result from the acceptance of challenge, refusing to flinch, refusing to yield, and persevering to


Training: Something to Think About

Below is what we can hope can be a little bit of a distraction from the current COVID-19 crisis.  Thoughts on training. Another great contribution


What Did You Do on Winter Break???!!!

Mt. Carmel  Junction Mile By Mike Smith The Plan Over the past 30 years, I’ve had the occasion to visit the US southwest more than
