Meet Hub: Sanborn Invitational

2024 marks the third year Sanborn is hosting the Invitational! That’s right, Londonderry passed it to Merrimack Valley, which passed it on to Sanborn after 20 years of hosting the largest invitational in the state. The meet has always been a success with a variety of wrinkles added each year to keep interest high!
This page is the official NHTF Hub for photos, interviews, race videos, and links to meet information. NHTF will be there to once again provide post-comp interviews and Video Broadcast as seen below!

Shout Outs! 4/19 Weekend
Each week, we shout out those performances which stood out to us! Each week, we also give you all a chance to contribute to these

What to Watch For! 2024 Sanborn Invite!
Sanborn Invitational Meet Hub 2024 marks the third year Sanborn is hosting the Invitational! That’s right, Londonderry passed it to Merrimack Valley, which passed it

Recap, Results, PICS! Interviews! 2nd Annual Sanborn Invitational! Interviews soon!
Results – Courtesy of Speed Sport Timing PICS On a cool brisk April day, Sanborn welcomed 22 teams and 500 athletes to their 2nd Annual

Preview: 2nd Annual Sanborn Invitational
Sanborn Invitational Meet Hub – Courtesy of Alternative Sales LIVE RESULTS & PERFORMANCE LISTS This coming Saturday Sanborn High School hosts the 2nd Annual Sanborn