Coaches and Athletic Directors: As a precaution due to possible weather, we are moving the start time for the Plymouth meet Saturday 1/11 to 11:00am.
There are no changes to the PEA meet Saturday 1/11, and no changes to the UNH meet Sunday 1/12, we are keeping the scheduled start times as-is.
Teams that cannot attend will not be expected to pay any entry fees.
From UNH coaching staff: “If it helps your case with your Administration, we do not have a lot of teams registered tonight and we expect the meet to move fairly quickly with only 5 events. As long as the University is open we are planning to run the meet.“
Winter Track League Hub
- The timing company has merged the meet entries so there is no need to re-register athletes.
- We apologize for the change in time and for any disruptions this may cause, but it’s the best choice available.
- This will make for a bigger and longer meet, but we had to get creative to be able to offer a meet this weekend for all scheduled teams.
- Our UNH Meet Director and Head Official are confident we can offer this meet safely.
- Some schools are not attending due to Dartmouth Relays, so that helps with keeping the numbers down.
- Long Jump, Shot Put, and High Jump will have a lot of entries; any scratches in those events would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Mike Lyford at with any questions.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Indoor Season. This page will serve as the information page for the NH Winter Track League. Any meet changes and announcements can be found here, and also posted on our social media channels.
All information regarding the NHIAA Indoor State Divisional Championships can be found on our Indoor Divisional Championship Meet Hub!
Coaches, please contact NHWTL Director Mike Lyford at with any questions.