Yesterday, a “Who’s Who” of the New Hampshire Track and

Field community gathered at The Yard Restaurant to celebrate the life of Mr. Rich Nagy, who served as a teacher, coach and co-founder of Lancer Timing for 40+ years. While this ‘generation’ of coaches and athletes have known Rich as the Lancer Timing guy, along with Rick Berryman, through the stories shared yesterday, it is quite clear he was an educator first. Rich’s impact on our sport in NH, simply cannot be measured. Yes, he and Rick brought electronic timing to the Granite State and through his vision and hard work allowed us to thoroughly enjoy cross country and track and field on another level. Especially as coaches, Lancer Timing is the hub for information/data used to make many decisions, celebrate personal records, scout other teams, etc.. How did coaches and athletes do this prior to Lancer??? Hard to imagine the thousands of lives positively affected by Lancer Timing Services. Lancer Timing is New Hampshire Track and Field/Cross Country.

But more, the sheer number of lives Rich touched on a deeper level as a teacher, coach, and mentor is the more accurate measure of his greatness. Through his phenomenal, quick wit, it is clear Rich made the impossible seem possible. Whether it was through his coaching for which he was a Coach of the Year and Hall of Famer, his teaching of the highest level of high school mathematics, or simply his friendship, it was evident yesterday Rich Nagy celebrated life by giving to others. Thank you Rich! You have educated all of us and continue to do so!
Pics are courtesy of Rick Berryman.