USATF’s Sports Nutrition for Youth Athletes Zoom Session

USATF-New England is excited to host Laura Morretti and Nicole Farnsworth, sports dietitians and Clinical Nutrition Specialists atUSA Track & Field New England logo Boston Children’s Hospital, for a talk on sports nutrition for youth athletes (ages 10-20).

Parents, coaches, and athletes are all welcome. Laura and Nicole will touch on the “athlete’s plate”, Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, fueling before races and practice, hydration, the unique development window from 10-20 years old, and COVID-specific considerations. The session will involve presentation and interaction, ending with a Q&A session. It will last about 50 minutes.

The Sports Nutrition for Youth Athletes Zoom session will take place this Thursday, March 11th at 2:00pm.  Please register using link below:

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