October 2024

Workout of the Week

Workout of the Week!

Volume 4 Taking our first look into a Division II program, NHXCTF met with the Spartans of Milford High School. 


Weekend Recap!!!

After a few weeks of large state wide and interstate invitationals, this past weekend teams spread across several smaller invites

Pics and Quotes

A Pic & A Quote #111: Coach-Athlete

Coach-Athlete Relationships: “The most important elements of a coach-athlete relationship are trust and respect, both of which must be tentatively


Episode 3

By Davio DeLuca


2024 Newfound XC Team Blog #4

By Emerald Briggs Kicking off the week strong, we had the Newfound Fun Run for Homecoming on Monday. Although I’m

Workout of the Week

Workout of the Week #3

Volume 3 This edition of WoW highlights a DIII program that can boast both team and individual success.  Additionally, they
